Committee Chairs

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew

Introducing our 2024-2025 Committee Chairs & Volunteers

If you are interested in any of the events without a chair, please email

5th Grade T-shirt contest - Jaime Mangiola

Art to Remember - Back in 25-26 School Year

Book Club - April Reynolds, Co-Chairs Needed 

Book Fair - Lianna Samuel

Dinner with a Scientist - Tara Anvar

Facebook - VP Communications

Fall Festival – Carmen Chan & Nancy Quach

Food Drive - Chair Needed*

Fun Run - Andrew & Rachel Wysong

Gala/Auction - Erin Watson & Katy Gabbani

Instagram - VP Communications

Kids against Hunger - Nicole Kahali & Tracy McLean

Letter Board - Kinder/TK rotation

Marquee - VP Communications

Movie Night @ VV  - Sonata Perez

Multicultural Fair - Sonata Perez & Martha Jenkins

Outdoor Ed. - Team consists of:  Carmen Chan, Jen Lillard, Cindy Martinez,  Katie Lovewell, April Bent, Jenn Hoff, & Brittany Hassebrock 

PTA Website - Brittany Hassebrock

Reflections - Deb Shulman

Restaurant Fundraising (monthly) - Carissa Clark & VP of Fundraising

Room Parent Coordinator – President

Run Club - Jenn Hoff & April Reynolds

School Smarts - Back in 25-26 School Year

Spanish Book Fair - Lianna Samuel

Spirit Wear - Nicole Kahali

STEAM Fair - Amy Zysk & Erica Swoboda

Sweetheart Dance - Lauren McChesney

Talent Show - Katy Gabbani & Amy Zysk

Teacher Appreciation - Carmen Chan &  Katy Gabbani

Yearbook - Brittany Hassebrock

*If we do not have event chairs/co-chairs 60 days from the date of the event, events will be cancelled.